Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr.

Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr.


This page provides access to research works by Dr. Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, currently a Senior Lecturer of Kulliyyah of Usuluddin & Quranic Science, UniSHAMS.

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  • Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr. (Al-Hikmah Research & Publication Center, 2021-06)
    The research aims at recognizing the danger of animation and Technological games, especially on the Muslim child's Creed which in turn affect his social, psychological, and cultural behavior. The analytical method has been ...
  • Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr. (جامعة السلطان عبد الحليم معظم شاه الإسلامية العالمية, 2020-09-20)
  • Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr. (The First International Conference on Advanced Trends in Islamic Studies in Civilization, Manuscripts and Historical Documents, 2017-11-23)
    إن العقيدة الإسلامية هي أس الإسلام وأساسه، أرشدنا إليها وحي الله المنزل على رسوله-صلى الله عليه وسلم- فتعلمها الصحابة من رسول الله-صلى الله عليه وسلم- وعرضها عليهم بأسلوب نقي، لم يدخلها أراء فلسفية أو فارسية، حتى أصبحت ...
  • Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr. (1st International Conference on Contemporary Issues and Maqasid AL-Shariah, 2018-12-24)
    يُمثّل التراث لدى أىّ أمّة من الأمم تواصلًا فكريًّا ونفسيا واجتماعيا بين الماضي والحاضر، ويبرزُ صُورة من شخصيتها الحضارية؛ بما يختزنهُ من تجَارب ومعَارف أسهمت في بناءِ حضَارة الإنسان، ومما لاشك فيه أنّ التراث الإسلامي قد ...
  • Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Abdou, Dr. (6th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®), 2020-09-18)
    Abstract With the great development that the world has witnessed with regard to technology, and specifically the emergence of the Internet, there have been a number of negative and positive impacts on the individual and ...
  • abdou, Dr.Mohamed (International Conference On Islamic Studies 2019 Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, 2019-08-28)
    ملخص البحث إن المستقر في أذهان المسلمين عامة ودارسي العلوم الشرعية خاصة أن صحيح البخاري من أصح الكتب بعد كتاب الله تعالى. وقد عرف علماء الحديث هذه الحقيقة وتوارثوها جيًا بعد جيل، فلم يمنع بعد علماء الحديث من دراسة أحاديث ...
  • Mohammed Ebrahim El Sherbiny Sakr, Dr.; Amr Mohammed Sayed Emam Sallam, Dr.; Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, Dr.; Allaa Eddin Ismaail, Dr.; Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Prof Madya Dr. (Test Engineering and Management, 2020-05-18)
    In the era of informatics, the proliferation of many electronic encyclopaedias with which conflicting sources and opinions. This research focuses on a well-known electronic encyclopaedia, which is Wikipedia, and looking ...
  • Mohammed Ebrahim El Sherbiny Sakr, Dr.; Amr Mohammed Sayed Emam Sallam, Dr.; Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, Dr.; Allaa Eddin Ismaail, Dr.; Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Prof Madya Dr. (Test Engineering and Management, 2020-05-18)
    In the era of the Internet, the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was subjected to many and various slanders; the enemies of Islam persisted in undermining them and raising suspicions around ...
  • Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, Dr.; Mohammed Ebrahim El Sherbiny Sakr, Dr.; Ahmad Effat Bin Mokhtar, Dr.; Allaa Eddin Ismaail, Dr.; Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Prof Madya Dr. (J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., 2020-07-07)
    Allah sent His messengers to reform people with a pure belief monotheism, some of people believed in them and some of them disbelieved. Moreover, some of them stray from the true way of divine religion, diverged from, ...