This page provides access to research works by Dr. Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Sayed, currently a Senior Lecturer of Kulliyyah of Usuluddin & Quranic Sciences, UniSHAMS.
MOHAMED HAMED MOHAMED SAID(The International Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture (IJISC), 2023-05)
تكمن أهمية البحث في أنه يقدم ممارسة تخدم في غرس القيم التربوية من خلال التعلم باللعب ، كما يساهم في زيادة إقبال الطلاب على الأنشطة التربوية ، ويهدف البحث إلى تقديم وسائل عصرية تسهم في تربية الطلاب بالوسائل المحببة إليهم ...
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said; Professor Dr. Ahmed Hamed Mohamed Said(International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 2023-10-05)
All wise humans agree that the environment is the scope in which humans live, and that
humans are religiously, ethically, legally, and socially obligated to preserve and care for the
environment. The environment is ...
Dr. Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said; Dr. Shaaban Abdelhameed Refae Mohamed; Professor Dr. Anwar Mahmoud Al-Morsi Khattab(International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 2023-10-05)
This research aims to address animal protection and highlight ways to preserve it, and its
impact on the environment in general, to achieve the required ecological balance. The
problem with this research lies in many ...
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said; Professor Dr. Anwar Mahmoud Al-Morsi Khattab; Ibrahim Babikir Elhag Abd Elgadir(International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 2023-10-03)
This research is the third part of the series of "the environment" for which we indicated in the first part at our talking about the human environment, then the animal environment and this research consists of a summary ...
Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said; Shaaban Adel Hameed Refae Mohamad; Ali Omar Salem Balagem; Luqman Bin Mohamad Nor(International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 2023-05-10)
The contemplator of the Holy Qur’an and the beholder sees that Allah Almighty has sent His
messengers and delegated His prophets to call for the monotheism of Allah Almighty, and
then for the correction of morals in ...