Konsep Qada’ Dan Qadar Di Dalam Islam: Suatu Kajian Tentang Kefahaman Orang Melayu Di Bandar Kuantan

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dc.contributor.author Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman
dc.date.accessioned 2021-12-20T02:33:43Z
dc.date.available 2021-12-20T02:33:43Z
dc.date.issued 2001
dc.identifier.uri http://unisep.lib.unishams.edu.my/xmlui/handle/123456789/28075
dc.description.abstract Kajian ini melibatkan penyelidikan tahap kefahaman orang Melayu di bandar Kuantan mengenai konsep qada' dan qadar dengan tepat menurut Islam. Untuk itu topik-topik asas akidah qada' dan qadar telah dikupas serta diperincikan perbincangan tentang permasalahan takdir yang sering dijadikan polemik di kalangan masyarakat muslim dahulu hingga sekarang. Ini diikuti dengan perbincangan mengenai kesan keimanan terhadap penghidupan muslim. Hasil kajian mendapati orang Melayu di bandar Kuantan secara keseluruhannya memahami konsep qada' dan qadar. Mereka memahami bahawa takdir ada perkaitan dengan ilmu Allah, penulisan di Luh Mahfuz, mashi'ah dan khalq Allah s.w.t. Mengenai af al al-'ibad, mereka mempercayai manusia berkemampuan melakukan perbuatannya. Mereka juga memahami bahawa segala maujudat ada takdirnya, termasuk takdir manusia sama ada ke syurga atau neraka. Para responden bersetuju bahawa amalan baik tidak boleh diabaikan ia bukanlah satu-satunya penjamin untuk masuk syurga. Doa tidak bertentangan dengan takdir, manakala menyelamatkan diri daripada kecelakaan tidak bererti lari daripada takdir atau tidak meredainya. Mereka tahu kemestian bersabar apabila ditimpa bencana. Mereka juga berpendapat seseorang mesti menyesal, bertaubat dan tidak menyalahkan takdir apabila melakukan dosa. Mereka yakin bahawa usaha yang lebih akan menambahkan lagi rezeki. Para responden juga bersetuju bahawa usaha perlu untuk mendapatkan apa yang diingini dan amalan baik tidak bertentangan dengan konsep takdir. Beriman kepada takdir bukanlah faktor kemunduran umat Islam. Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman, Concept Of Qada' (Predetermination) and Qadar (Divine Decree) in Islam: A Study of its Perception by the Malay Community in Kuantan. This study investigates the perception of Malay community in Kuantan of the actual and precise qada' and qadar concept in Islam. To achieve this, the basic topics of qada' dan qadar concept dissects and examines its problematic issues which have been the arguments among the Muslim community from before to now. It is followed by the discussion of the impact on faith to the Muslims' livelihood. The findings conclude that the Malay population in Kuantan generally understand the concept of qada' and qadar. They understand that there is a relationship between fate and Allah s.w.t.'s knowledge, the pridetermined fate at Luh Mahfuz, Allah's demands (mashi'ah) and creation (khalq). Regarding of af af al-ibad, they believe that human is capable and is responsible for his actions. They also understang that all creatures have their iwn fate, including human's fate to go to either heaven or hell. Good deeds must be performed although it is not a guarantee to get a place in heaven. They stress that prayer (doa) is not contradictory to fate. In their opinion, fleeing from any disaster or danger does not mean running away from fate or being ungrateful. They know the necessity of patience when disaster strikes. Meanwhile, they are of the opinion that fate should not be blamed when sins are committed, but instead they should regret and repent. In terms of materialistic gains, effort does not reflect wealth. Moreover, to fulfill their needs, they have to work hard for it. Good deed is done as it is not inconsistent to the fate concept. The belief in fate is not factor that cause backwardness of the muslim society. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Jabatan Akidah Dan Pemikiran Islam Bahagian Pengajian Usuluddin Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya en_US
dc.subject Final Year Project Papers & Reports en_US
dc.title Konsep Qada’ Dan Qadar Di Dalam Islam: Suatu Kajian Tentang Kefahaman Orang Melayu Di Bandar Kuantan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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