Wan Mahani binti Abdullah, Dr.

Wan Mahani binti Abdullah, Dr.


This page provides access to research works by Dr. Wan Mahani binti Abdullah, currently a Senior Lecturer of Kulliyyah of Muamalat & management sciences, UniSHAMS.

E-Mail : wanmahani@unishams.edu.my

Expertise :

Image Processing, Computer, Communication, Electrical & Electronic.

Education :

i. Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering).

ii. M.Sc. (Communication & Image Processing), Newcastle Upon Tyne, (UK)

iii. B.Eng. (Hons.) (Telecommunication), Universiti Malaya (UM)

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Recent Submissions

  • Ainul Maulid Bin Ahmad; Mu’azah binti Md Aziz; Wan Mahani binti Abdullah; Mohd Aswad bin Amat Mushim; Mohamad Izril bin Ishak (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018-11-30)
    Kids Education and Fun courseware is a project developed to assist kids and preschool teacher in the phonetic language. Besides, it in-tended to be an additional tool to kids and preschool teacher use in classroom to expert ...
  • Wan Mahani binti Abdullah; Shahrul Nizam bin Yaakob (ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2018, 2018-06)
    Leaves segmentation in a state of nature is absolutely in need of a more complicated process. This is because the leaves that are captured outdoor may be included in a complicated background. The meaning of the complicated ...