Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed, Dr.

Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed, Dr.


This page provides access to research works by Dr. Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed, currently a Senior Lecturer of Kulliyyah of Syariah & Law, UniSHAMS.

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  • Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed; Saad Gomaa Gomaa Zaghlou; Marina Abu Bakar (JFatwa Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 2021)
    It is well known that women in pre-Islamic Jahiliyya and before Islam were practiced at all levels, so they were not a worthy thing, and society at that time did not recognize her any of the rights, whether they were moral ...
  • Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed; Saad Gomaa Gomaa Zaghlou; Marina Abu Bakar (JFatwa Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 2021)
    مما لاشك فيه أن الحقوق الزوجية بين الزوجين المنبثق عن هذا الميثا ق المقدس تتنوع ما بين حقوق مادية حجته وحقوق معنوية تشمل كل من الزوجين , ومن بين هذه الحقوق الأموال المثعلقة بالأسرة المسلمة , والتي نشأت مع هذا البناء والميثاق ...