The purpose of this qualitative analysis is to assist SME entrepreneurs in a post-COVID-19 pandemic by examining the importance of commitment and integrity, consistency in capturing business, management andoperational excellence, and accountability and transparency in a mosque-based cooperative business model. The investigation made use of firsthand information gathered from mosque financial statements displayed on whiteboards. After that, the data was subjected to a victimization thematic analysis. The findings suggest that since Islamic economic concepts are typically not well-known, the first fundamental step that must be implemented is constantly changing the mindset of the population through fundamental Islamic
economic education in mosque lectures and alternative communication channels or media. This may lead to increased knowledge of and support for the Islamic economic movement. Islamic cooperatives, a structure that supports this trust, scepter the economic
potential of mosques. It would suggest that mosque custodians hold lectures on issues with a focus on fundamental Islamic
economics or Islamic cooperatives as a basis to widen the community's attention in order to enable the implementation of the