The main objective of this research paper is to see the potential of using FinTech Crowdfunding Platform (CFP) concepts in waqf higher education fundraising to develop private Islamic higher education in Malaysia as a waqf- based university. Qualitative methodology is using which based on journals articles, interviews the Islamic Banking Students & Lecturers, books and any other related materials. The findings of this paper show that fundraising to create educational waqf funds using FinTech crowd funding concepts is potential to help fundraising to curb the problem of lack of money to develop private Islamic higher education as a waqf-based education. As conclusion, private Islamic higher education has the potential to be developed as a full and waqf-based education looking at the development and progress that this educational institution has gone through. Fundraising for waqf higher education through FinTech Crowd funding Platform (CPF) concept is seen to be one of the sources to solve the problem of lack of funds to realize the establishing of private Islamic higher education in Malaysia becomes a reality.