Browsing Norzaila Binti Mohamad Nor by Title

Browsing Norzaila Binti Mohamad Nor by Title

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  • Norzaila binti Mohamad Nor; Nafishah binti Othman; Shafiz Affendi bin Mohd Yusof (2018)
    Online volunteering is one of the most evident examples of how information communication technology has influenced volunteerism. Volunteering online is prevalent for its flexibility in terms of time and ...
  • Norzaila Binti Mohamad Nor; Norsafinar Binti Rahim (MyJICT, Malaysian Journal of Information & Communication Technology, 2016)
    Cloud computing is a kind of computing which is highly scalable and use virtualized resources that can be shared by the users. Cloud technology trends (virtualization) will likely have a significant impact on teaching and ...
  • Norzaila Binti Mohamad Nor; Nafishah Binti Othman; Shafiz Affendi Bin M.Yusof (Malaysia National Library Cataloging, 2018-10-31)
    The rapid dispersion in Web 2.0 technologies have led to a paradigm shift where people increasingly gain health-related information and support through virtual communities. The significance of health virtual communities ...
  • Norzaila Binti Mohamad Nor; Zahurin Mat Aji; Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof (International Journal of Mualamat, 2021-12)
    The Internet is increasingly being used for social research, especially for obtaining qualitative data. Social environments are among Internet's greatest information-rich resources. Such environments preserve a depth of ...
  • Norzaila binti Mohamad Nor; Nafishah binti Othman; Asnani binti Bahari (2019-11)
    The rapid growth in the Internet technologies and social media networks has changed the world in unpredictable ways. Social media for example is transforming the way people communicate, sharing knowledge, deliver the ...
  • Norzaila Mohamad Nor; Zahurin Mat Aji; Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof (International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 2023-08-16)
    Social media has the potential to serve as a powerful tool in promoting volunteerism and improving employees' work-life integration by facilitating non-profit organizations and employers to expand their reach, engage ...
  • Norzaila Mohamad Nor; Mohd Sofi Ariffin; Asnani Bahari; Wan Mahani Abdullah (Asian Scholars Network, 2023-12)
    Universities worldwide are actively working towards establishing a cashless society through the implementation of cashless payment systems. The objective is to reduce reliance on physical currency and promote digital ...

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